FINALLY, pantomimes have arrived and at Newcastle’s Theatre Royal pantoland has burst into life with an explosion of glitter and fun with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the fairest panto in the land
Cirque Du Hilarious – Theatre Royal, St Helens
Hoping our seats were somewhere near the back where two adults without kids might be less conspicuous to see this show which is surely for youngsters? We were pleasantly surprised to see that we were
Here Come The Hoopers Review
The school holidays are in mid flow and we were booking in fun highlights to keep the kids enthusiasm stretched across the 6 weeks. I remember as a child that we didn’t do that much which also meant I
Cinderella at the Theatre Royal, Newcastle – The Gazette
From the moment the curtain rose and the stage filled with a giant flying butterfly giving a ride to pantomime dame fairy it was clear this was going to be a night to remember. The panto at Newcastle